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May 3, 2010 Clementina

Wheel thrown and distorted vase with white incised slip, still to be glazed

Wheel thrown and distorted vase with white incised slip, still to be glazed

Newly wheel-thrown mugs for an exhibition happening at our studio at the end of this month

“My thoughts are whirled like a potter’s wheel; I know not where I am nor what I do.”

William Shakespeare 1564-1616
Well..not quite as confused as Shakespeare in the above quote… I do have a busy week ahead, many different strands of work happening and am not quite sure where to begin on a Monday morning; and besides I am regularly plagued with doubt about what I do! But…watch this space during the week…

Comment (1)

  1. Blonde Strawberry 15 years ago

    Love your wheel thrown and alltered pots.Looking foward to seeing thhem finished

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