Make a studio appointment | (021) 448 3203
Make an appointment to visit the studio | (021) 448 3203


August 27, 2013 Clementina

Please join us for the public opening of the first SPI National Portrait Award
on Wednesday, 28 August at 19:00. Rust-en-Vrede Gallery, Durbanville.

A ceramic exhibition by Hennie Meyer, Clementina van der Walt, Ann Marais and Dianne Heesom-Green, with the focus on portraits, opens in the Clay Museum
The Coffee Shop will be open for dinner so please remember to book your table.
Contact  /  021 975 7949  /  082 491 8290  /  coffeeshop@telkomsa.net1234033_10151545065651316_724161143_n
 ‘Litterati’ – Ceramic installation  by Clementina van der Walt